7 Crucial Tips for Indian Parents to Handle Tantrums Like a Pro

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Tantrums are something every parent faces, and they can be tough! Whether your little one is throwing a fit because you said no to more screen time or because they can’t have their favorite snack before dinner, it’s important to know that tantrums are a normal part of growing up. But that doesn’t make them any less frustrating! So, how can you deal with these emotional outbursts calmly and confidently? Here are 7 crucial tips for Indian parents to handle tantrums like a pro.

  1. Stay Calm and Composed

    When your child throws a tantrum, it’s easy to get frustrated yourself. But remember, if you lose your cool, it can make the situation worse. Your child takes cues from you, so staying calm is crucial. Take a few deep breaths, remind yourself that tantrums are normal, and try not to react emotionally. Sometimes, just pausing for a moment before you respond can make all the difference.

  2. Understand the Triggers

    Children often throw tantrums when they’re tired, hungry, or frustrated. Try to figure out what triggers your child’s tantrums. Is it because they missed their nap? Or are they hungry and cranky? Once you know the triggers, you can prevent many tantrums by making sure your child is well-rested and fed on time, or by avoiding situations that you know can overwhelm them.

  3. Set Clear Boundaries

    Children need boundaries to feel secure. If you say no to something, stick to it. For example, if you’ve decided that your child gets only 30 minutes of screen time, don’t give in when they ask for more. Be consistent with your rules. Clear boundaries help children understand what’s expected of them and prevent future tantrums.

  4. Provide Choices

    Giving your child choices can sometimes prevent a tantrum before it starts. For example, instead of saying, “You can’t have juice,” you could say, “Would you like water or milk?” Offering limited choices gives your child a sense of control while still keeping you in charge. It helps them feel empowered and less likely to throw a fit because they feel they have a say.

  5. Use Distraction Techniques

    Sometimes, the best way for Indian parents to handle tantrums like a pro is to distract your child. If they’re upset because they can’t play with a toy, try engaging them in another activity like drawing, singing, or playing a game. A sudden shift in focus can help break the cycle of frustration and calm them down.

  6. Acknowledge Their Feelings

    Even though it’s easy to get annoyed during a tantrum, it’s important to show your child that you understand their feelings. Saying something like, “I know you’re upset because you can’t have that toy, but we’ll play with it later,” helps your child feel heard. When children feel that their emotions are being recognized, they’re more likely to calm down faster.

  7. Conform to the effects regularly.

    The secret to handling tantrums is regularity. Make sure there is a clear punishment for breaking a rule with your child and then follow it. If they throw a toy, for instance, gently take it away from them and tell them they can have it back once they’ve calmed down. Being regular can help your youngster learn the value of following the rules and that there are effects for specific actions.


Tantrums can be challenging, but remember, they’re a normal part of your child’s development. With patience and these simple tips for Indian parents to handle tantrums like a pro, you can deal with tantrums more effectively. Stay calm, be consistent, and most importantly, show your child love and understanding even during tough moments. The more you practice these strategies, the easier it will get for both you and your child!


1. How can I stay calm during my child’s tantrum?

Staying calm during a tantrum is hard but important. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that this is a normal part of their growth. If needed, step away for a moment to cool down before responding to your child.

2. What are common tantrum triggers I should watch out for?

Tantrums often happen when children are tired, hungry, or frustrated. Being aware of these triggers can help you prevent tantrums by ensuring your child is well-rested, fed, and not overwhelmed by too many activities.

3. How do I set clear boundaries during a tantrum?

Setting clear boundaries means being consistent with your rules, even during tantrums. If you’ve set a rule, like no sweets before dinner, stick to it. Calmly explain the rule and why it’s important, without giving in.

4. Can offering choices help prevent tantrums?

Yes! Giving your child two or three simple choices makes them feel in control. Instead of saying no, offer alternatives. For example, “Do you want to wear the blue shirt or the red shirt?” This can reduce their frustration.

5. How do I use distraction to stop a tantrum?

When you see a tantrum coming on, try to quickly distract your child by offering something fun or interesting. You could start a game, sing a song, or show them a favourite toy. Distraction can help break their focus on what’s upsetting them.